Queen larvae have a strong regenerating effect. It acts similarly to drone larvae (Apilarnil) and royal jelly, through mechanisms described in epigenetics: the product intervenes in the field of cellular information. It penetrates the cell nucleus and switches the stored information to normal; it modulates and optimizes the body's functions: it increases a fallen function, it decreases an exaggerated function.
- The product contains numerous enzymes and coenzymes, including coenzyme Q10 in its natural form, easily assimilated, thus having a strong antioxidant effect. It acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal.
- improves fertility in both women and men.
- acts as a regenerator, general regulator, tonic, energizer, highly nutritious.
- it is recommended for current consumption to healthy persons who wish to maintain their health, vigor and youth, especially if they support an intense physical or intellectual activity, or maintenance and prophylaxis, being rejuvenating, strengthening, general trophic
- supports immunity
- optimizes the activity of organs (especially brain, heart, muscles, liver, kidneys)
- supports the production of good quality blood (including blood cells).
It is not recommended for people with intolerance to bee products.
To be consumed with caution by diabetics, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- 1-2 teaspoons a day
- from the teaspoon directly in the mouth holding for as long as possible (minimum 1-2 min, recommendation: 5-10 min)
- In a large glass (330ml) put 1-2 teaspoons of this mixture and squeeze over the juice from a lemon. Stir until liquefied then add plain water
- In yogurt (recommendation: put a teaspoon of this mixture in 200g of yogurt in the evening, to be consumed in the morning for breakfast).
- In freshly squeezed fruit juice.
For those who need to stay awake overnight, replace coffee with 2, 3 or even 4 teaspoons of the mixture.
Store in a cool, dry place. Do not store above 24C. The unsealed mixture is kept in the refrigerator.